Wednesday, March 26, 2008


The duo whom I've affectionately labeled "my wine guys" came through for me again with this yummy Californian Shiraz. Barefoot is cheap and I always see it at the LB, but I can be a wine snob and hadn't tried it until I read this article.

"...we can't complain about their Shiraz's über-berry, jammy and vanilla aromas with a slight pepper kick on the finish.." -- James Nevison and Kenji Hodgson

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Savour the Spanish

Iffat, my wine mentor, mentioned Castillo de Fuendejalon Crianza to me last fall. I wanted to try a new red and I didn't want to spend a lot of money. This Spanish wine was superb and, since then, I've bought quite a few bottles of it. It's smooth and soft-flavoured and the soft finish keeps you wanting more! $11.99/bottle

Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patty's Day Post

Since it's Leprechaun Day, I thought I'd throw up a beer post to honour the Irish.

When I was at Big White, I had the opportunity to try the first beer that I genuinely like! I would actually go to the store to buy Kitsilano Maple Cream Ale, if it were sold outside of BC. :(

This summer when we drive out to the Coast, I plan on stocking up on this wonderful beer! My Irish ancestors would be proud. If they didn't all die of alcoholism.

Chillin' with Inniskillin

A couple of trips ago I was at the Calgary Airport, (my home away from home), and I tried Inniskillin 2004 Reserve Series Cabernet Sauvignon. It was delicious. Medium-body, black current...It made up for Palomino's being out of their famous ROASTED CORN & POTATO CHOWDER, again. In fact, I had to have a 2nd glass, which caused me to be slightly late/tipsy for my flight. Back in Toon Town, I made my bi-daily weekly trek to the LBS and, thinking I was buying the same wine, I picked up the Merlot. It is good, nice "velvety" finish, but not as good as the Cab Sav. I suppose now I need to go back and buy the right one!
Cab, Merlot 18/bottle

Friday, March 14, 2008

Naked and Cheap

When I first moved to Saskatoon, RH and I bonded over Naked Grape. At first, it was the Sav Blanc. Then the Shiraz. Now, it's all about the Pinot Grigio. It's cheap (less than $10/bottle) and it is GOOD. This is what I buy if I want to open a bottle for myself. What the hell, it's Canadian too! Happy Tasting!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


We drank a couple of bottles of Heritage Road Bloodstone Shiraz last night at the 2nd Avenue Grill. Right from the first sip, the taste was smooth and not as peppery as most Shiraz wines are. I will definitely be stocking up on this wine! $30/bottle (restaurant price)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Crazy for Cookoo

I tried Cookoothama Darlington Point 2004 Cab Merlot with Beth at the 2nd Avenue Grill last fall. It's a full-bodied wine with a sweet aftertaste. An absolute delight to sip on! $16/bottle

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Conceited French

Last summer, Chris' aunt and uncle left us a great little "welcome home" package at the cottage where we stay when we visit. It included a bottle of Arrogant Frog Ribet Red Cabernet Merlot and it was fabulous!

When my mom started dating my dad, he always bought her these corny frog figurines (because she's from Quebec - French/Frog, get it?). Now, she collects frog stuff (not so much corny, but rather, some really great finds!) For her 50th Birthday party, I HAD to make sure we served Arrogant Frog for her...the Chardonnay Vioginer was also tasty!

Plus, the label is made out of a silky material, so you really can't go wrong!

**Problem: I haven't been able to locate this wine in Saskatoon, although it can be ordered in. I've been "importing" it from BC**

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Relishing the Rosemount

We had a dinner party a few months ago and our dear friends, Beth and Dan brought over Rosemount Diamond Cellars Cabernet Merlot
It was very popular and we had no problem finishing the bottle (do we ever?)

I bought a bottle last week and, once again, it did not fail to impress. It's a medium-bodied wine (the Merlot grape makes it nice and soft) with blackberry flavour. $14.50/bottle