Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Okanagan Vineyards

Wineries Visited:

Road 13:
**Had to pay $5 for tasting**
Had to buy - Jackpot Syrah, Jackpot Pinot Noir

**currently being renovated**
Glad I tried: Marsanne Roussanne; Tempranillo

**Gorgeous; newly reno'd**
Had to buy: Reserve Cabernet Franc; Pinot Blanc Late Harvest

So cheap, Had to buy: Desert Sun x2; Gewurztraminer; Merlot; Cabernet Franc Late Harvest

Had to buy: Pinot Gris; Nothing Sacred

Had to buy: Pinot Gris
Wanted to buy: The Legacy

Nk'Mip (pronounced Inkameep):
*A must-visit to check out the amazing restaurant, patio and facilities*
Had to buy: Q Merlot

*Gorgeous; a must-see; restaurant is extremely popular*
Had to buy: Merlot

STONEBRIDGE (pic missing)
*boutique winery*
Had to buy: Pinot Gris Reserve, Pinot Noir

Had to buy: Syrah
Not a fan: their whites - too sweet

Twisted Tree:
Had to buy: Everything
Actually bought: Marsanne Roussane, Tempranillo, Syrah, Voignier

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lack of Words


2nd Crossing Sav Blanc